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Printer Epson L1300 | ABZ

Brand product: Canon
Product ID: #51319

7,539,000 UZS
from 879 550 UZS / Per month

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Printer Type Цветной
Print resolution 5760x1440 DPI
Tray capacity от 50 до 250 листов
Supported paper formats А3
Printing technology Струйная

Warranty: 1 year
Service Duration Per month Price
Alif Nasiya 24 month 588 199 UZS 14 116 778 UZS
Alif Nasiya 15 month 806 673 UZS 12 100 095 UZS
Open Nasiya 12 month 879 550 UZS 10 554 600 UZS
Davrbank 12 month 881 435 UZS 10 577 217 UZS
Intend 12 month 923 528 UZS * 11 082 330 UZS *
Alif Nasiya 12 month 927 674 UZS 11 132 087 UZS
Uzum Nasiya 12 month 949 914 UZS 11 398 968 UZS
ZoodPay 12 month 958 961 UZS * 11 507 530 UZS *
Davrbank 9 month 1 136 714 UZS 10 230 423 UZS
Davrbank 6 month 1 632 822 UZS 9 796 931 UZS
ZoodPay 6 month 1 651 544 UZS * 9 909 262 UZS *
Uzum Nasiya 6 month 1 662 350 UZS 9 974 097 UZS